
As we grow old, our bodies become weak and slow. Walking along deserted roads or streets at night can be scary at times. There’s nothing much you can do, but it doesn’t mean you feel helpless. It is where self-defence for seniors comes into the picture. You can stay protected from potential attackers. This article guides you through various tactics that can keep you safe against any attacks. 

Importance of self-defence training in the elderly

The year 2019 saw 28,104 senior citizens becoming victims of various crimes in India. It was a steep rise in the numbers from 2018 when there were 24,349 such incidents. No matter what your age or physical limitations are, learning to protect yourself is critical. When you study self-defence techniques, it can also boost your confidence.

It also shows everyone that you aren’t weak or vulnerable but confident. Attackers would also have a second thought and keep themselves away from you. Self-defence tips for senior citizens help you remain aware of your surroundings and prioritize your safety. If any potential attacker is looking to harm, you can protect yourself and escape.

Safety tips to avoid being targeted by attackers

Prevention is always better than cure. Instead of defending yourself in unsettling situations, it is best to avoid getting into them. Here’s some basic self-defence for seniors.

  • Maintain your body posture

If you have a hunched back and lowered gaze, you will come across as timid and fearful. Instead, have an erect posture with shoulders back and chin up.

  • Maintain eye contact with people

Make sure you show people that you are aware of their presence. If you look at the potential attacker, there is no surprise element left for them.

  • Walk confidently

Try to keep the same pace as others when walking on the streets as it exudes confidence. It is also best to scan the area thoroughly to avoid any threats.

  • Do not let valuables attract attention towards you

Avoid wearing jewellery, especially when you are alone. Do not let your purse or any other valuable item bring attention to you. Additionally, ensure that you do not attempt to hide it as it shows there’s something worthy you do not want others to see.

  • Avoid getting distracted by strangers

If a stranger asks you for time or directions, do not get distracted and instead look straight. Make sure you keep the person in your line of sight.

  • Avoid dark areas at night

It is best to avoid poorly lit areas at night as they can have potential attackers looking for victims like you. Always carry a flashlight and whistle to alert others if you are in danger.

How to escape safely from an attack

Falling into dangerous circumstances can be a possibility no matter how hard you try. Here are some tips to protect yourself and escape in such situations.

  • Make yourself heard

If you are in a potentially dangerous situation, make sure to blow a whistle or personal alarm. Emergency alarms should always be your companion when you step outside. A loud sound can scare away the attacker and also alert people in close vicinity.

  • Use pepper spray

When sprayed in the attacker’s eyes, it can lead to excessive burning and bling the attacker temporarily. It is one of the best self-defence weapons for seniors. Some sprays also contain dye that leaves a mark even if washed. Police use it to track down the criminal.

  • Use stun gun

This self-defence weapon for the elderly is not lethal but has enough power to immobilize an attacker. A stun gun comes in the shape of a flashlight, camera, and other non-recognizable items. You can carry it easily with you in your pocket or bag.

  • Attack the assailant in vulnerable areas

Every person has weak areas, no matter how strong they are. You can target areas like the eyes, neck, nose, knees, and groin. Depending on your agility, you can choose any part to make the attacker weak and escape.

  • Learn martial arts

Learning martial arts is an excellent tool to defend yourself in any situation. It is also beneficial for your coordination, mental wellness, and stamina. You will also learn self-discipline and step out confidently each time.

Bottom line

Getting older is inevitable and might make you a potential target for attackers. However, you can always stay protected by following these self-defence tips. There are several possibilities and options to guard yourself even if you are in a dangerous situation. You can even consider learning martial arts as it has several benefits.

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